Presenting plants as gifts might not initially appear as the most elaborate gesture, given its simplicity. However, a plant embodies a commitment that spans the long term and has the potential to infuse a distinctive charm into one’s living space. Indoor plants, in particular, offer a plethora of advantages, including stress reduction, heightened productivity, and enhancement of indoor air quality. Naturally, the more plants you incorporate, the more benefits you reap, along with the increased devotion required to care for them.

When selecting a plant or flower as a gift, it’s essential to consider the recipient’s personality and lifestyle, ensuring that the chosen flora resonates with their preferences and allows them to maximize its worth, thus fostering fond memories of your thoughtful gesture. Whether it’s an upcoming birthday or simply a desire to bring joy to someone’s day, here’s a guide on endowing the gift of a plant with elegance and discerning how to make the optimal choice.

Plantas para nacimientos ideas que funcionan - FloreStore

What to consider when looking for a plant

Commence with Simplicity: Initiating your plant gifting journey with uncomplicated selections is wise. If your intended recipient possesses a penchant for gardening, the process is straightforward as most plants would delight them. However, when considering individuals with limited interest or time for plant care, the task becomes more intricate in matching their needs.

Being aware of any allergies can be crucial; for instance, if someone is allergic to flowers, selecting succulents can be an ideal alternative. Moreover, if pets reside in the household or neighbors have cats or dogs, it might be prudent to opt for a pet-friendly option, as playful animals could inadvertently displace the plants.

Yet, there exist opportunities to capitalize on. If the person has a terrace, gifting balcony pots for their outdoor space can be a thoughtful choice. A variety of intriguing designs and colors are available, catering to the preferences of your gift recipient.

In cases where the individual lacks the time for plant upkeep, prioritize low-maintenance options that thrive with minimal light and water. These choices should also aesthetically complement indoor settings, ensuring they harmoniously blend into the living space. Here are our suggested recommendations.

What plants are best for giving a present

If you’re determined to present a plant as a gift, embarking on comprehensive research becomes imperative. Ensuring the selection aligns perfectly with the recipient’s preferences is crucial, given the vast array and diversity of available options that could potentially leave you bewildered amidst the sea of choices. However, certain plants possess unique attributes that set them apart, including the following standout examples.


Calathea is ideally suited for a devoted caretaker or an adept plant enthusiast. What sets it apart is its remarkable visual impact upon entering a room, particularly if the space is substantial, warranting a larger and more resilient pot, such as those provided by elho. Flourishing in moderate light conditions, Calathea thrives when watered approximately once a week. Notably, this plant is both non-toxic and pet-friendly, rendering it an excellent choice for households with pets. The allure of the Calathea is attributed to its leaves, which gracefully open and close in response to varying light levels throughout the day, providing a captivating display.


Pothos, in contrast, emerges as an ideal choice for those venturing into the realm of plant care. Its maintenance is undemanding; water is only required when the leaves display a slight sag, and a touch of moisture promptly rejuvenates them. Moreover, this plant is notably intuitive in its growth patterns, standing out among its counterparts, making it evident when it’s thriving or in need of attention. Its adaptability to low light conditions makes it suitable for placement in settings like offices and dormitories.

Regrettably, Pothos carries toxicity for both dogs and cats, rendering it unsuitable for households with pets. Although generally resilient against pests, occasional infestations of mealybugs are possible.

Pilea Peperomioides

If you intend to gift a Pilea Peperomioides to a plant aficionado, your gesture is bound to leave a lasting impression. Also referred to as the Chinese money plant, this rare treasure presents a wonderful gift choice due to its unique attribute of constant multiplication—enabling the recipient to propagate numerous new plants from a single one.

The exquisite Pilea Peperomioides flourishes under medium to bright indirect light, but exposure to direct sunlight can lead to leaf scorching. This plant also demands regular fertilization and more frequent watering compared to typical plants, necessitating the care of an attentive and responsible individual.

Thai Constellation Variegated Monstera

For those who have the means to indulge in lavish gifts and if the recipient has a penchant for unique and distinctive presents, the Thai Constellation Variegated Monstera makes an impeccable choice. However, acquiring this plant might necessitate an extended search, as it isn’t readily available in most stores, requiring some perseverance.

This plant is the result of genetic modifications, making it quite a demanding one to nurture, given its reduced resistance to various factors. It thrives under indirect sunlight but should be positioned near a curtained window. Watering should occur once or twice a week, with soil moisture levels monitored before each session. Crucially, the plant’s environment must maintain a humidity level exceeding 80% to ensure its well-being.

How can you properly wrap a plant to give as a gift?

Packaging a plant can indeed present a challenge, as it goes beyond simply presenting the plant in its pot. Transforming the plant into an attractive gift involves a variety of approaches, as outlined in the following suggestions:

  • Gracefully adorn the leaves with vibrant ribbons for a pop of color.
  • Consider using tissue paper to delicately package shorter plants.
  • Utilize washi tape to ensure a neat and polished wrapping.
  • Seek out foil wrapping paper designed specifically for plants; florists can be a helpful resource in finding such options.
  • Opt for a sturdy gift bag for medium-sized plants, which offers reliable packaging support.

Final thoughts

Presenting a plant as a gift serves as a heartfelt gesture that underscores your care for the recipient, whether they are a friend, family member, or teacher. While opting for a traditional bouquet of exquisite flowers is a safe choice, gifting a plant offers lasting significance and an array of advantages for enhancing one’s living space. From purifying the air to promoting reduced stress levels, a plant becomes a valuable addition to someone’s home, imbuing it with not only beauty but also healthful benefits.